Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Dojo Kun

Shorin-Ryu - Dojo Kun
Strive for good moral character.
Keep an honest and sincere way.
Cultivate perseverance through a will for striving.
Develop a respectful attitude.
Restrain physical ability through spiritual attainment.

Goju-Ryu - Dojo Kun
One thing: Be humble and polite.
One thing: Train considering your physical strength.
One thing: Practice earnestly with creativity.
One thing: Be calm and swift.
One thing: Take care of your health.
One thing: Live a plain life.
One thing: Do not be too proud or modest.
One thing: Continue your training with patience.

ISKF - JKA - Dojo Kun
Seek perfection of character
Be sincere
Put maximum effort into everything you do
Respect others
Develop self-control

Bushido - Dojo Kun
Loyalty is the essential duty of the soldier.
Courage was essential since the trait of the fighting man is his spirit to win.
Valor is a trait to be admired and encouraged in the modern warrior
Faithfulness in keeping one's word
Simplicity is a samurai virtue

Gichin Funakoshi is usually recognized as writing this but some say it was written by Kanga Sakukawa. Regardless, the Dojo Kun serves as a set of five guiding principles applicable to every part of your life. Adhering to these principals to the point of ingrained sub-conscious programming is essential when adopting the lifestyle of a modern-day warrior.

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